
An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away Kenya Escorts reveal

Kenya Escorts ladies are good in masturbation on live sex shows.

Kenya Escorts lady offers masturbation on live camera at a fee. Well, since masturbation is a pleasurable and normal part of life and there is no shame in a good thing. Don’t believe the lies and myths around masturbation that enemies of pleasure are peddling. In this article, we delve into the benefits of masturbation that you should know.

Masturbation is very good for your physical and mental health. Here’s how:

First, it is super pleasurable. If you’ve stroked into a tube sock, humped a pillow like a horny hare, taken hand or vibe to bits, or really enjoyed your detachable shower head, you know firsthand that masturbating feels good whether you are doing it on your own or when Kenya Escorts ladies are doing on live camera and charging you.

Second, it’s the safest form of sex with no risk of getting STIs or pregnancy. That is definitely a great relief, especially in this day when STIs, including HIV, are spreading quite rampant.  

Third, sex therapists across the globe have found that men who experience premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse can benefit from masturbation about 2 hours before sex. This enables them to have a longer duration of intercourse before another ejaculation comes on.

Fourth, look at masturbation as a form of self-care. It is a necessary function of a healthy adult. The key word is NECESSARY!

Masturbation boosts your mood. We all agree that orgasms are natural mood boosters. Here, I am referring to the feel-good releases, which are scientifically proven. Masturbation can help one sleep. Once the body begins to settle and relax post-orgasm, many individuals will feel exhausted and sleepy, except on a few occasions with people who have insomnia and other medical conditions.This has been revealed by Kenya escorts ladies in Nairobi after thorough research.

Finally, it does help you to know your body and what gets you off and what doesn’t, which can be really beneficial in making your sexual experience with a partner a tremendous experience. Your partner can only know what gets you off when you give them feedback. They can’t feel it for you. They are not in you. Research has it that masturbating can give your immune system a temporary boost. No one wishes to be a regular visitor to the health facilities!

Before I sign off, a bonus point is that masturbation also strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and helps in relieving menstrual cramps and symptoms related to menopause for females Escorts. It’s also an aerobic workout.

Why does my vagina make farting sound during Sex?

Has your vagina ever produced a sound that left you blaming the beans you had for lunch?

You are having sex and then, BOOM! your vagina makes a farting sound. What will you do?

  • Hide in shame?
  • Stop to investigate the fart?
  • Pretend like it wasn’t you and instead blame your partner?
  • Laugh?
  • Continue like nothing happened?

Well, everyone with a vagina and who is sexually active is likely to have experienced this. Sometimes during sex your body can produce a farting sound in addition to doing other weird things.

Some people call it vagina flatulence or vagina fart but the correct word is ‘queef.’ A queef is the release of air trapped in your vagina.A recent research conducted to Escorts in Nairobi reveal that vagina farting is common to women during sex.

How and why does a queef happen?

Since vaginal opening is well … open, air can enter in several ways and get trapped in there.

Certain yoga poses, exercises and sex can let air into the vagina. During sex, the movement of a vibrator or penis in and out of the vagina can allow air to get in and get trapped. When the penis or sex toy is removed from the vagina, the trapped gas is released causing the queefing sound.

You may notice that queefing happens during some positions, e.g. doggy style, and not others and that is why it may not happen every time you have sex.

Some women are more likely to produce the queefing sound as this depends on the shape and length of the vagina canal.

Can I prevent it? It’s too embarrassing!

No, you can’t.

The good news is that this happens to many women, you are not alone. The better news is that it’s a normal body process and nothing to be embarrassed about. The best news is that unlike normal farts from your butt, a queef does not produce any smell.

Instead of feeling embarrassed, find a way to deal with it like by laughing, imitating the sound, or just going about your business like nothing happened. It’s possible that your partner doesn’t even mind but other than that, it’s important to accept natural occurrences because we don’t have control.  

In a perfect world, most of us would prefer not to queef but as you know, we don’t live in a perfect world so queef on queen.

Ladies and gentlemen, over to you, share your experience with queefing!

Four Reasons Why Balthazar Ebang Engonga Slept with 400 Women

Balthazar Ebang appeared in court for the first time with his feet shackled, clad in a dark blue suit, light blue shirt and wearing a surgical mask.[It’s funny how he is suddenly a hygiene freak, scared of contracting an imaginary airborne disease while he had unprotected sex with over 300 women. A plain clothes police escort can be seen unlocking the chains on this feet after the court session, allowing him to walk to a white BMW sedan parked outside the building. He is shuffling his feet as a mob of journalists and cameramen surround him snapping pictures. Purpotedly, the car was taking him to Malabo Central Prison where he will be detained for the duration of his trial.

Four Reasons Why Balthazar Ebang Engonga Banged 400 Women

1 – Sex Bribery and Blackmail

Speculation still remains as to why he slept with over 300 women. No-one will ever know the real reason until Balthazar Ebang and witnesses, the women he slept with are cross-examined by the court and public prosecutor. Some people on social media say his illicit affairs are a private matter and do not run afoul of any law. This would be true only if he hadn’t engaged in sexual activities in the government office. The man has already been charged with gross misconduct, violating workplace ethics and rules. As the trial progresses, overlaps and connections will be made between the sexscapades and their motivations, purposes which might be illegal as revealed by witnesses. His position as the Head of the Anti-Corruption / Financial Crimes Department in the government gives him a lot of influence and control over high profile personalities who may be involved in financial crimes and corruption, in both the private and public sector. This opens up opportunities for bribery, blackmail and compromises between the parties involved in an effort to gain something, quash a case, clear the tracks, bad records or evidence. Equatorial Guinea is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and sleeping with over 300 women, of whom the majority are related to high profile personalities in your inner circle, community and family, shows there is more to these sexcapades than just lust and womanizing. The sex tapes may have been recorded for blackmail purposes because the participants were willing to negotiate a compromise which would be settled by sex in case they didn’t have hush money. It’s very possible that these sex briberies were arranged by the husbands of these wives. In a normal society, you dont just go around banging the wives of prominent people or those in your inner circle. Balthazar Ebang was literally banging everyone in his workplace, family and community indiscriminately. His actions are those of an Ancient King who thinks all the women in the land are his concubines or property.

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Balthazar’s influence and power has been underplayed and glossed over in the media. He started his career as the Minister of Education in 1998 before he was moved to the Ministry of Finance. Reports say Ebang was a respected figure in Equatorial Guinea and seen as a beacon of hope against corruption for many years. Naturally, you would want to be friends with Balthazar if you are a high profile personality engaging in corruption or money laundering. Cases of key figures in the financial sector (Bank Managers, Financial Chiefs, Ministers etc) facilitating money laundering are common worldwide.

2 – Liberal Sex Culture – Wife Swapping Swingers / Open Relationships

This is another claim that is circulating on the internet. Balthazar might just be a horny animal who has been living his fantasies for decades. Remember that he is the biracial son of a prominent government official, Mr Baltasar Engonga Edjo, the President of CEMAC (Central African Economic and Monetary Community). In a very small country like Equatorial Guinea, there is a high probability of gender imbalance. There are 810,000 women and 900,000 men in Equatorial Guinea and 70% of the population lives in poverty. That means women will gravitate towards high value men to fulfill their needs. These are men like Balthazar who are 15% of the population, men with power, influence and money. By needs, I mean all needs such as need for sexual satisfaction, infidelity, financial support and so on. That means if she is cheating, she would rather cheat with a high value man. The female psychology of wanting what other women want was also at play. Women sleeping with the same guy, competing with each other. Basically they love dogs. She will marry you and call you a dog for cheating and sleeping around. Why did you marry a dog to start with? Don’t tell me you didn’t know. You most likely snatched this man from another woman. You seduced him just to prove a point to your female rivalries. When you scrutinize female behaviour, words versus actions, you will find that they are secret perverts who act like they are not interested in porn when in fact they are entertaining dirty sex. Who gives dirty sex? It’s not a gentleman but a horny stray dog.

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It seems Balthazar has an open relationship with his wife. She allows him to bang other women as much as he can. She is most likely getting banged by other guys as well. Maybe open relationships are normal in Equatorial Guinea, because you can’t have hundreds of high profile men tolerating this. So far, not a single man has come out to accuse Balthazar of sleeping with his wife. Is sex something that is shared with anyone in Equatorial Guinea? Fuck my wife, sister, Let me fuck yours? Is it a cultural practice of some sort? An unwritten rule? There are cultures around the world whereby sex is given liberally.

3 – Balthazar is a Porn / Sex Addict

You wouldn’t be banging 300 women unless you were a sex addict. Most likely, he slept with these women over the years, and not in a short space of time because that would burn him out quickly.

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4 – Balthazar Was Well Known in His Town,  A Magnet for Groupies

Equatorial Guinea is a small country where everyone knows each other. Malabo is the biggest city with only 300,000 people. You cant be invisible if you are a high profile personality. The way the women smiled at the camera and enjoyed the moment, clearly shows they knew who he was. It’s like they were excited in finally meeting their crush who is one of the most talked about person in town, starstruck like groupies meeting their idol. If female groupies will scream and throw their panties on stage at a Harry Styles concert (According to Trevor Noah jokes), don’t you think they will also fuck you at the drop of a hat? Balthazar was just fucking his groupies.

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Tips for HIV prevention and treatment for LGBTIQ persons and Kenyan Escorts

When it comes to HIV prevention and treatment for LGBTIQ , Kenyan Escorts & individuals, several best practices can help promote effective care and reduce transmission rates

Comprehensive Sexual Education: Implementing comprehensive sexual education programs that are inclusive of age-appropriate diverse sexual orientations and gender identities is crucial. These programs should provide accurate information about HIV transmission, prevention methods, and harm reduction strategies. They should also address issues specific to the LGBTIQ community, Kenyan Escorts and also Female Escorts such as the importance of regular HIV testing and the use of preventive measures like condoms and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

HIV tests

Accessible and LGBTIQ-inclusive healthcare: Ensuring access to healthcare that is sensitive to the unique needs and experiences of Kenyan Escorts & LGBTIQ individuals is vital. Healthcare providers should receive training on LGBTIQ cultural competency, and healthcare facilities should have non-discriminatory policies. This includes creating safe spaces, respecting individuals’ chosen names and pronouns, and providing adequate sexual health services, including HIV testing and treatment.

Anti-stigma campaigns: Combating stigma and discrimination is crucial for effective HIV prevention and treatment. Anti-stigma campaigns should focus on raising awareness, challenging stereotypes, and promoting acceptance and understanding of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. These campaigns can help reduce fear, encourage testing, and improve engagement in care.

Peer support and community engagement: Peer support and community engagement play a vital role in HIV prevention and treatment. Creating supportive networks and safe spaces where Kenyan Escorts & LGBTIQ individuals can share experiences, access information, and receive emotional support is essential. Community-based organizations can play a significant role in delivering targeted HIV prevention programs, counselling services, and linkage to care.

Intersectional approaches: Recognizing the intersectionality of identities and addressing the unique needs of individuals with multiple marginalised identities within the Kenyan Escorts & LGBTIQ community is crucial. HIV prevention and treatment strategies should consider the specific challenges faced by diverse populations and provide inclusive and equitable care.

By implementing these best practices, we can work towards reducing HIV transmission rates, improving access to care, and promoting the overall health and well-being of Kenyan Escorts offering massage in Nairobi & LGBTIQ individuals. It is important to approach HIV prevention and treatment holistically and inclusively that recognizes and respects the diversity within the LGBTIQ community.

What other HIV prevention and treatment tips for Nairobi Escorts & LGBTIQ persons do you know of? Share in the comments section.

7 tips for a perfect blow job

Nairobi Escorts

Nairobi Escorts offer best mind-blowing blow jobs, ever tried them? Well,If you want to blow your partner’s mind, blow them! Blow jobs are one of the best foreplay acts and they are pleasurable to the receiver and can be to the giver too! The challenge is that most of us are great at receiving blow jobs and not soo good at giving them.

How good are you on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the lowest mark and 5 being the highest?

To help those of us who rank ourselves a 3 and below at giving blow jobs, we have prepared a list of 7 tricks to help you get better.

1. At least show some enthusiasm

Imagine getting a blow job from someone who seems disgusted. Not a good experience, right?

Now, imagine getting it from someone who is super excited to do it. Arousing, right?

If giving blow jobs disgust you, just don’t do it. Find another way to please your partner. For those of us who are open, showing some enthusiasm is a great starting point.

See how excited you are when sucking a lollypop? Tap into that excitement. It’s a turn-on when your partner sees that you love and enjoy giving them head.

Looking at your partner seductively from time to time and making some noise are some of the simple ways you can show enthusiasm.And your partner doesn’t mean your wife, this could be your girlfriend, escorts ladies in Nairobi where you have sought some paid services for sex and massage.Its widely known that Nairobi Escorts offers best mind blowing massage services plus extras.

2. Comfort is key

This is especially if and when you are giving blow jobs when kneeling.

You want to be as comfortable as possible to avoid pain and discomfort which could disrupt the act. A pillow is a great option for your knees.

3. Slow but sure

Pace yourself. If you are undressing him, don’t rush it, that doesn’t mean you spend too much time as well. Just enough to get him excited.

Before you have his penis in your mouth, you can start by kissing his inner thigh, using your hands to touch his balls and penis, licking his balls, and having a dirty or sexy talk.

4. Use your saliva as great lube!

While it is not recommended to use saliva as lube during penetrative sex, you can use it during oral sex. If you are giving a man a blow job, ensure that his penis is hard, and then slide your mouth up and down.

5. Engage your hands and mouth… and don’t forget the tongue

You can use your hand to excite the lower part of his penis while your mouth stimulates the top of his penis.

An important tip for this is to find your rhythm. Make sure that you are not pulling his penis in two different directions.

If you are great at multitasking, you can use your idle hand to stimulate yourself too. It takes skill but it can be quite stimulating for both of you.

The tongue is an important part of this so don’t forget to leverage on its power. You can use your tongue to lick his dick or tease his tip.

Do not bite with your teeth, ensure that your lips cover your teeth such that they do not come into contact with the penis.  

6. Jewels deserve love too!

Don’t forget the balls. Balls have rights too!

The trick with balls is to be very gentle with them.

You can stimulate the balls by stroking them with your hand or sucking them gently with your mouth. All this is done while other parts of your body play with the penis

7. To swallow or not to swallow?

This is up to you.

Many men love it when their partner swallows cum.

Yet, if you are not into it, don’t feel the pressure to do it.

Are you a blow job guru? Show us your ways by adding a trick in the comments section.

5 Best Nairobi Escorts Girl-Friendly Hotels in Nairobi

If you’re ever planning on visiting Kenya for a sex holiday with Nairobi Escorts , or just to hang out and possibly meet some girls/nairobi escorts girls  in the process, your actual accommodations are going to be a key part of your trip.

This is especially true in the capital of Nairobi, which should definitely be on your list of places to visit anyway. We all know that the hotel room is where you’ll be spending the least amount of time on your trip, but it’s still crucial to book the right place.

This is about more than just location and amenities however. Like many non-western countries, hotels in Nairobi are not all that welcoming about letting their guests have guests of their own during their stay – and that’s even more true with solo male travelers.

Anyone that’s ever brought a Nairobi escorts girl back to their hotel to have sex with, only to be cockblocked by the doorman or front desk knows how stupid that situation can be. Fortunately, you can avoid those embarrassing scenarios by doing a little groundwork yourself. Well, I’ve done the groundwork for you instead.

Below are five of the best Nairobi Escorts girl-friendly hotels in Nairobi, Kenya. I’ve included a wide range of types and prices, so there’s something for everyone.

How I Chose These Hotels in Nairobi is a mix of a lot of things, with a lot of Western influence as well. Despite that, my criteria for choosing hotels remain largely the same, and very simple. Nairobi hot Escort Girl-Friendly

– This one is rather obvious. All five of these hotels are girl-friendly, and will not turn your guest away. However, I will advise you to book a double bed if possible, as this can ease any hassle when arriving, or if the girl is meeting you there. You may have to pay a fee as well, it just depends on who’s working. Regardless, she’ll get in.


Nairobi is a little spread out, but it’s still a typical big city with some condensed areas mostly around downtown that are more preferable to other areas. When looking for guest-friendly hotels here, you can’t really be all that picky, but most of these are in areas where there’s a lot going on, so that’s good.


– All of us appreciate having a room that offers more than just the basic necessities, but again, you can’t really be picky with this. With that said, all of these choices have everything you need, and some a lot more.


– Nairobi isn’t the cheapest place to visit in Africa, but it’s also not expensive by western standards. The hotels are actually one of the more expensive aspects of coming here, but you can still find good deals. The hotels I’ve included offer a lot for the money, regardless of their price.

Kenya Comfort

Nairobi Hot girls, see them here

The Kenya Comfort is very popular with single male travelers for a ton of reasons. It’s about midway in terms of quality, has a safe and accessible location, an onsite bar and restaurant, and is girl-friendly. Pretty much all you can ask for, right? This hotel is located just outside of the city center area, but is a quick Uber or taxi ride back into it (about 5 or less minutes.) Despite being away from the city center, it’s still situated near some nightlife options, and plenty of shopping and essentials as well. It’s a great home base during your stay. The rooms are updated, and have a minimalist chic design that gives them a pleasant and clean appearance. The restaurant onsite is very good, and you’ve got a bar inside, and a poolside bar as well, so if you feel like taking a chill day here, you’ll do quite well. How much will all this cost you? Only about $60 a night for a double bedroom, and you have lots of options as far as that goes. Check price on

Sentrim 680

Nairobi Hotel for Sex Sentrim 680 is another place you’ll hear about a lot from guys who have been to Nairobi a lot. It’s a little more upscale than the Kenya Comfort, but not that much more. Its main aspect it has going for it is the actual location, which is one of the better ones on this list. The hotel is situated in the heart of the business district, and is surrounded by other high-rise buildings as well, so it has a good urban feel to it. You’re in close proximity to a lot of girls hotspots, restaurants, bars, and all that stuff. It’s not hard to get around at all. Sentrim 680 has above-average amenities in the rooms, and also a lot of stuff on the premises, such as a pool, a bar, a coffee shop, and a restaurant. There are guards all over the place as well, including one on each floor, so it’s one of the safest and secure hotels in the city. An average nightly price at Sentrim 680 is about $85, but that can fluctuate just a little depending on the time of year. If you want to have a good central location to bring girls back to during your stay, this is a great option. Check price on

Hilton Nairobi

Nairobi Girl Friendly Hotel I’m sure most every person reading this is very familiar with Hilton hotels, so it’s not surprising to see this on the list. The Hilton Nairobi is certainly a little upper-scale, but I think most guys will find the higher price worth it, especially since it’s kind of nice to be able to stay in a brand-name hotel in another country without worrying about being hassled about girls. Maybe it’s just me. Hilton Nairobi is located right in the middle of downtown, so you are nearby pretty much everything, and have tons of options for getting anywhere that’s further away. Get a room on a higher floor, and you’ll get a great view of the city as well. One thing you’ll notice about the Hilton is how nice the staff is, which isn’t surprising considering it’s a corporate-owned hotel. The rooms are updated and very clean, and the other amenities are a nice touch as well. There’s also a pool, BBQ, a bar, a restaurant, and lots of hospitality services. $93 is the average nightly price, so be prepared to pay up if you want to stay here. Check price on

Sarova Stanley

Nairobi Guest Friendly hotel for those who really want to live it up during their Nairobi stay, the Sarova Stanley not only offers luxurious accommodation, but one without the hassle of Nairobi escorts girls visiting for sex. This is a legit five-star hotel that has practically everything. The Sarova Stanley is located in the heart of downtown in a high-rise building that demands attention. Not only are you nearby to all the good nightlife, you can also impress prospective girls by letting them know where you’re staying, as it will most likely pique their interest. It’s impossible to list all of the things the Sarova Stanley offers, but I will say that you have everything from a minibar to house slippers provided to your room, along with free bottled water, a super nice shower, and lots of other stuff. The hotel also has a spa, fitness center, bar, pool, poolside bar, and all the other things you could ever want. At $110 per night, it’s the most expensive on this list, but considering you’re getting five-star accommodations at a guest-friendly hotel, that’s not bad at all. Check price on

Hotel Metro

Nairobi Good hotel and on the opposite end of things, we have the Hotel Metro. If you’re looking for a great location, adequate accommodations, and a very cheap price, this is the way to go right here, my friends. The Hotel Metro is located smack dab in the middle of the business district, and is kind of hidden away in a nondescript area. You get the same advantageous locale as more expensive hotels, but at a fraction of the price. There’s a bar onsite too, if you need to do a little pregaming. The rooms are nothing special, and a little outdated, but they are still nice, comfy, and clean. You even get a small desk and a few bottles of water thrown in, and the bathrooms work surprisingly well. This is really just a place to crash at night, but you won’t mind hanging out here if need be, and a lot of the rooms have a good view as well. Wondering what all this will cost you per night? A whopping $40. You may not be getting the nicest hotel in Nairobi, but it certainly works more than well, and most guys reading this will find it just what they needed. Check price on

Nairobi Escorts Girls

Why do men love big butts? Especially Nairobi raha ladies escorts

Some guys are ‘butt’ guys, some are more attracted to breasts, others to the face, legs, and so on. I happen to be a ‘butt’ guy.

In a most recent survey that we have seen, Mostly Escorts based in the Nairobi raha website

Here’s a confession. I consider myself a boobs guy but aki I love it when a woman has an ass. There is nothing more beautiful than a good-looking ass.I remember of one lady i met on Nairobi Raha website, look at her ass here

You have seen it so many times, a guy is walking with his girlfriend, holding hands probably in tao, then this woman with a voluptuous behind passes, and the man can’t help but turn, in the process making his partner angry.

And it’s not just because Science says: According to a new study conducted by the University of Oxford, women with bigger than average butts are more resistant to diseases and intelligent. 

However, there are those who go for butt lifts surgery and one has to be really careful before making a life-altering decision like that one. Not least because of the risk of the surgery, but also because of the impact, it has on your body.

Find Nairobi Raha escort ladies near you

Big ass Escorts

So why do most men like a bigger butt:

  • It makes you biologically more attractive. There are those who believe that men prefer women with fuller butts because it enhances the appearance of the curvature of the spine, giving that hourglass figure and making the lady look really good.
  • A big butt is like a drug. The sight of a large woman’s butt activates the reward regions of the male brain that are otherwise activated by drugs, alcohol, and food, according to a study 
  • They make a very good feminine trait. Killer female features can sweep many men off their feet, but a nice, perky, big butt is definitely number one—that, or big boobs, but that depends on whether one is a boob or butt guy.
  • Perfect place to place your hand: My friends told me that when they hug a girl, the best and most reasonable place to place your hand is on her butt. Extra points if it’s nice, big, and squishy, they’ve hit the jackpot. A big ass serves as a perfect cushion, plus it’s way softer than the softest pillow, so it’s really hard (if not impossible) to ignore the charms of such royal comfort. 
  • Makes sex easier: A bigger butt not only looks good but helps to give her an anchor in bed, making the horizontal mamba missionary fireworks. 

Science or art?

The big derriere. A big butt is mostly genetics. No matter how many squats you do you will not get the big butt that you mostly (I am assuming) see in Instagram models if you don’t have the shape and body fat composition to promote a big butt with the rest of your body staying slender.

After puberty, sex hormones begin to dictate the distribution of fat in the body. In men, fat accumulation is stimulated around the gut and inhibited in the seat. It’s the opposite for women, who tend to carry fat in their gluteofemoral region, that is, the butt and thighs.

Whether you have a big butt or not, the most important thing in any relationship is the values you have and where you are going as a couple or throuple. We all have different body types, and we are not in control of our genetics.

The bottom line:

It’s a glorious time to be an ass man: Nicki Minaj exists, yoga pants are a thing, and women everywhere are squatting their way to more shapely backsides.

The thing is, both big and small butts deserve to be celebrated and respected the same way because both are equally attractive and beautiful. It’s not a matter of life and death to have a bigger butt, but it really does look good.  Also, it’s great to grab on to and great to slap.

Are you a butt guy?

Nairobi Raha Escorts

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Can persons with disability enjoy a sex life?

Sex??Everyone, regardless of disability, can enjoy great sex life. It’s good to remember that sex is much more than intercourse.

If you’re having cybersex, for example, all you need is your imagination and a phone or computer.

Sex girls in Nairobi and sexuality are not considered a priority for persons with disabilities. Service providers, support workers, and even friends and family tend to focus on the more obvious challenges presented by a disability and assume that sex is unimportant.

But sex is an important part of overall well-being for everyone; disability or no disability. No one should assume that a person with a disability is asexual, or be afraid to ask them about love and sex.

People with disabilities may also be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual and have some sweet sex girls in Nairobi. And if some do have little or no interest in sex, that’s okay too – but it’s certainly not the only way to be.

If you are a person with a disability, here are some sex girls in Nairobi tips for you:

  • Don’t rush into sex unless you are sure you’re ready. If you have doubts, it’s fine to say no. Don’t let anyone talk you into sex if it’s not what you what. The key to having a good (first) sexual experience is good communication and a partner you trust.
  • Sex is all about communication: explaining what you like, finding out what your partner likes, and finding a way to do it. Maybe your body is more or less sensitive in certain places, or maybe mobility or spasticity is a challenge – whatever your body is like, the process of exploring it and discovering new sensations can be an amazing experience for you and your partner.
  • Your disability may impact your bodily functions, so you may have to compensate with toys or find other ways that work for you. Having sex may be more of a challenge, but it can also push you to be more creative! Remember there are lots of ways to have sex and it may take some time to find the ones that work for you and your partner.
  • Due to your disability, you may have issues with bladder or bowel control. If you’re afraid that this will affect your sex life or you’re embarrassed something might happen while you’re having sex with your partner, bring it up beforehand and see how you can best work together to handle this.
  • If something unexpected happens, remember to laugh. Laughter is the best medicine to deal with the unpredictable things that happen in bed.
  • Creativity is key. Talk to your partner; you both need to be prepared to experiment. This means that you have to be comfortable enough with your partner to have conversations that may feel a bit embarrassing. Wait for the right moment, when you’re both feeling relaxed, and suggest trying something new. You may be surprised – even talking about it can be a real turn-on!
  • Everyone is different. If you’re having trouble finding a way to have sex that works for you, think about discussing your options with a healthcare provider or therapist, or other people with disabilities you trust.

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Men, are you worried of your penis size?Study shows this

Penis size?Do you worry about the size of your penis?  Sexy girls in Nairobi claim that penis length is paramount:

Here’s the scientific proof that it’s probably normal. If you’ve ever wondered whether your penis was too small, you’re definitely not alone – fretting over the length or girth of their member is something a lot of guys go through.

Penis size

There’s even a name for it: ‘small penis anxiety. It can get serious when a guy becomes so unhappy and self-conscious about the size or shape of his penis that it impacts his sex life in a major way. When that happens he might be diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. The thing is, though, the vast majority of guys out there have a perfectly normal penis. They just need a little reassurance.

That’s why a team of UK researchers figured it was high time to put together proof for all of the guys who visit their doctors with concerns that their penis is too small. The team compiled studies that included penis length and girth measurements from over 15,500 men of different ages and races. All of the measurements they used were taken by a health professional, so there was no way the guys were bending the truth when it came to the size of their penis

Related, Guys who date sexy girls in Nairobi have been known to have a larger penis than men in the countryside

What determines penis size?

What’s normal?

Once all the data was collected, the researchers calculated averages and created diagrams that showed the wide range of normal penis sizes. Erect penises range from around 9.5cm to 16cm in length. Only a couple of percent of men has smaller or larger penises than that. Find a clinic Find a clinic near you.

The average for a flaccid penis comes in at 9.16 cm. If it’s stretched, the average becomes 13.24 cm. That’s pretty close to the average erect length of 13.12 cm. Girth measurements revealed an average of 9.31 cm for flaccid penises and 11.66 cm for erect penises. See where you fall on the scale from small to large for length and girth. And here you can find information on how to measure your penis.

The researchers also looked at whether penis size was linked to a guy’s other physical features. Contrary to popular belief, there wasn’t much evidence that guys with larger feet or guys who weigh more have larger penises. But there was a bit of link between height and penis length – taller guys might have longer erect penises, the study found.

Only a little more than two percent of guys have an abnormally small penis measuring less than 6 cm in length when flaccid or less than 9.5 cm when stretched, the researchers reported. This is different from a micropenis, which has a flaccid length of less than 5.2 cm and a stretched length of less than 8.5 cm. A micropenis is very rare – less than one-quarter percent of guys have one. Date sexy girls in Nairobi here

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Get to understand Thai Massage and where to get the best relaxing massage services in Kenya

Thai massage is a traditional style of massage that originated in Thailand. It involves deep tissue massage, stretching, and acupressure techniques. Thai massage can help to relieve muscle tension, improve flexibility, and promote relaxation.


If you’re interested in finding a Thai massage service, there are a few things to consider. First, it’s important to find a reputable and licensed massage therapist who is trained in Thai massage techniques. You can ask for recommendations from friends or family, or search online for licensed massage therapists in your area.

When you find a massage therapist, it’s a good idea to ask about their experience with Thai massage and any certifications they may have. You may also want to ask about the length and cost of the session, as well as any other services they offer.

During the massage, you will typically be fully clothed and lie on a mat on the floor. The massage therapist will use their hands, elbows, knees, and feet to apply pressure to their muscles and perform stretching movements. You may feel some discomfort or soreness during the massage, but it should not be painful.

After the massage, you may feel relaxed and refreshed. It’s important to drink plenty of water and rest to allow your body to fully recover from the massage.

Nairobi Raha offers the best massage therapists, book them now

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